The world is changing. Because of advances in science, communication andtravel technologies we no longer have the same sense of trust and faithin established religions and governments.Access to this information has given us an opportunity to expand who weare as human beings.By throwing off our trust in established institutions we find ourselves without any standards or values.This is a temporary effect of new found insights and information.This is a time when new ways of understanding our spirtual selves and howwe make a living are dramtically changing.
The world is changing. Because of advances in science, communication andtravel technologies we no longer have the same sense of trust and faithin established religions and governments.Access to this information has given us an opportunity to expand who weare as human beings.By throwing off our trust in established institutions we find ourselves without any standards or values.This is a temporary effect of new found insights and information.This is a time when new ways of understanding our spirtual selves and howwe make a living are dramtically changing.
P o s s i b i l i t y & O p p o r t u n i t y
Calling all souls who know the success of their Science and Religion is Love for All
The Rose is Blooming And Our Future is BrightWe are at a major transformational time in human history. It is like a rose that is blooming.First, there is the seed and then the roots. Next it comes out of the ground and the stem begins to develop along with leaves and thorns. At the end of the stems are rose buds and those rose buds are tight and secure. Finally, the buds begin to tear and rip open only to reveal a beautiful flower.Because of advancements in science, travel and communication technologies we have lost the security we once knew and trusted in religion and government. As a result, those who are fundamental in their religious or political beliefs are desperate to maintain that which has given them security and which they sincerely believe to be true. Some of these are willing to fight and even kill to maintain their point of view.At the same time, others have lost all sense of standards and values and life has lost it colors and love has faded from view. They have no passion and only live to survive.This website is a resource for people who desire a world that works for everyone. It is for people who are thrilled at the sound of children laughing and delighted to see toothless smiles of the elderly. It is for people who know that we are all connected and that the sum of all of our experiences creates the spiritual environment on the planet.You may enjoy a warm beach on a sunny day but if a child were to float up on shore ragged to the bone and starving to death would you get up off your blanket and do something or would you just pretend that child isn’t there?As long as anyone on this planet is suffering we are all suffering. As long as anyone is happy we are all happy.How much better the beach could feel, how much more passion could we have in our lovemaking and how much more fun could we all have? The spiritual atmosphere would actually glow and our ability to enjoy life would exponentially expand.Dreamers and DoersSome people feel that we need to be present to an idea and have a belief and put our thoughts on what we want in order for things to manifest.Other people feel you only get to feel those things by taking action.Both are right.Possibility is essential to take action. You won’t take action unless you believe something is possible. And, action may be necessary for you to develop belief.This website is a resource for you to discover your own belief in yourself and to find an opportunity that will empower you to make a difference and take care of yourself and your loved ones.
The Rose is Blooming And Our Future is BrightWe are at a major transformational time in human history. It is like a rose that is blooming.First, there is the seed and then the roots. Next it comes out of the ground and the stem begins to develop along with leaves and thorns. At the end of the stems are rose buds and those rose buds are tight and secure. Finally, the buds begin to tear and rip open only to reveal a beautiful flower.Because of advancements in science, travel and communication technologies we have lost the security we once knew and trusted in religion and government. As a result, those who are fundamental in their religious or political beliefs are desperate to maintain that which has given them security and which they sincerely believe to be true. Some of these are willing to fight and even kill to maintain their point of view.At the same time, others have lost all sense of standards and values and life has lost it colors and love has faded from view. They have no passion and only live to survive.This website is a resource for people who desire a world that works for everyone. It is for people who are thrilled at the sound of children laughing and delighted to see toothless smiles of the elderly. It is for people who know that we are all connected and that the sum of all of our experiences creates the spiritual environment on the planet.You may enjoy a warm beach on a sunny day but if a child were to float up on shore ragged to the bone and starving to death would you get up off your blanket and do something or would you just pretend that child isn’t there?As long as anyone on this planet is suffering we are all suffering. As long as anyone is happy we are all happy.How much better the beach could feel, how much more passion could we have in our lovemaking and how much more fun could we all have? The spiritual atmosphere would actually glow and our ability to enjoy life would exponentially expand.Dreamers and DoersSome people feel that we need to be present to an idea and have a belief and put our thoughts on what we want in order for things to manifest.Other people feel you only get to feel those things by taking action.Both are right.Possibility is essential to take action. You won’t take action unless you believe something is possible. And, action may be necessary for you to develop belief.This website is a resource for you to discover your own belief in yourself and to find an opportunity that will empower you to make a difference and take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Each of our lives are lived inside a larger perspective of history.The Earth is a living entity and is growing and changing over a much longer period than any of our short physical lives.Inspired Visionaries from the past can give us perspective and understanding what’s coming can open up new ideas and ways to throw off false beliefs and establish sound principles to live by.
Each of our lives are lived inside a larger perspective of history.The Earth is a living entity and is growing and changing over a much longer period than any of our short physical lives.Inspired Visionaries from the past can give us perspective and understanding what’s coming can open up new ideas and ways to throw off false beliefs and establish sound principles to live by.
Grown-up people reconcile themselves too willingly to a supposed duty of preparing young ones for the time when they will regard as illusion what now is an inspiration to heart and mind. Deeper experience of life, however, advises their inexperience differently. It exhorts them to hold fast, their whole life through, to the thoughts which inspire them. It is through the idealism of youth that man catches sight of truth, and in that idealism he possesses a wealth which he must never exchange for anything else. We must all be prepared to find that life tries to take from us our belief in the good and the true, and our enthusiasm for them, but we need not surrender them.
What are you?
This book by Albert Schwitzer was published in 1949. This section at the end of the book has been a core belief structure of mine thorughout my life.You can ready the book by clickikng the following button….
That ideals, when they are brought into contact with reality, are usually crushed by facts does not mean that they are bound from the very beginning to capitulate to the facts, but merely that our ideals are not strong enough; and they are not strong enough because they are not pure and strong and stable enough in ourselves. The power of ideals is incalculable. We see no power in a drop of water. But let it get into a crack in the rock and be turned to ice, and it splits the rock; turned into steam, it drives the pistons of the most powerful engines. Something has happened to it which makes active and effective the power that is latent in it. So it is with ideals. Ideals are thoughts. So long as they exist merely as thoughts, the power latent in them remains ineffective, however great the enthusiasm, and however strong the conviction with which the thought is held. Their power only becomes effective when they are taken up into some refined human personality. The ripeness, then, that our development must aim at is one which makes us simpler, more truthful, purer, more peace-loving, meeker, kinder, more sympathetic. That is the only way in which we are to sober down with age. That is the process in which the soft iron of youthful idealism hardens into the steel of a full-grown idealism which can never be lost. The most valuable knowledge we can have is how to deal with disappointments. All acts and facts are a product of spiritual power, the successful ones of power which is strong enough; the unsuccessful ones of power which is too weak. Does my behaviour in respect of love effect nothing? That is because there is not enough love in me. Am I powerless against the untruthfulness and the lies which have their being all around me? The reason is that I myself am not truthful enough. Have I to watch dislike and illwill carrying on their sad game? That means that I myself have not yet completely laid aside small-mindedness and envy. Is my love of peace misunderstood and scorned? That means that I am not yet sufficiently peace-loving. The great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up. That is possible for him who never argues and strives with men and facts, but in all experience retires upon himself, and looks for the ultimate cause of things in himself. No one who is always striving to refine his character can ever be robbed of his idealism, for he experiences in himself the power of the ideas of the good and the true. When he sees far too little of the external results at which he is aiming, he knows nevertheless that he is producing as much as his character allows; it is only that success has not yet begun, or that it is as yet hidden from him. Where there is power, there some result or other is produced. No ray of sunlight is ever lost, but the green which it wakes into existence needs time to sprout, and it is not always granted to the sower to live to see the harvest. All work that is worth anything is done in faith. The knowledge of life, therefore, which we grown-ups have to pass on to the younger generation will not be expressed thus: "Reality will soon give way before your ideals," but "Grow into your ideals, so that life can never rob you of them." If all of us could become what we were at fourteen, what a different place the world would be! As one who tries to remain youthful in his thinking and feeling, I have struggled against facts and experience on behalf of belief in the good and the true. At the present time when violence, clothed in life, dominates the world more cruelly than it ever has before, I still remain convinced that truth, love, peaceableness, meekness, and kindness are the violence which can master all other violence. The world will be theirs as soon as ever a sufficient number of men with purity of heart, with strength, and with perseverance think and live out the thoughts of love and truth, of meekness and peaceableness. All ordinary violence produces its own limitations, for it calls forth an answering violence which sooner or later becomes its equal or its superior. But kindness works simply and perseveringly; it produces no strained relations which prejudice its working; strained relations which already exist it relaxes. Mistrust and misunderstanding it puts to flight, and it strengthens itself by call- ing forth answering kindness. Hence it is the furthest reaching and the most effective of all forces. All the kindness which a man puts out into the world works on the heart and the thoughts of mankind, but we are so foolishly indifferent that we are never in earnest in the matter of kindness. We want to topple a great load over, and yet will not avail ourselves of a lever which would multiply our power a hundred-f old. There is an unmeasured depth of truth in that strange saying of Jesus: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (St. Matt v, 5).
Grown-up people reconcile themselves too willingly to a supposed duty of preparing young ones for the time when they will regard as illusion what now is an inspiration to heart and mind. Deeper experience of life, however, advises their inexperience differently. It exhorts them to hold fast, their whole life through, to the thoughts which inspire them. It is through the idealism of youth that man catches sight of truth, and in that idealism he possesses a wealth which he must never exchange for anything else. We must all be prepared to find that life tries to take from us our belief in the good and the true, and our enthusiasm for them, but we need not surrender them.
What are you?
This book by Albert Schwitzer was published in 1949. This section at the end of the book has been a core belief structure of mine thorughout my life.You can ready the book by clickikng the following button….
That ideals, when they are brought into contact with reality, are usually crushed by facts does not mean that they are bound from the very beginning to capitulate to the facts, but merely that our ideals are not strong enough; and they are not strong enough because they are not pure and strong and stable enough in ourselves. The power of ideals is incalculable. We see no power in a drop of water. But let it get into a crack in the rock and be turned to ice, and it splits the rock; turned into steam, it drives the pistons of the most powerful engines. Something has happened to it which makes active and effective the power that is latent in it. So it is with ideals. Ideals are thoughts. So long as they exist merely as thoughts, the power latent in them remains ineffective, however great the enthusiasm, and however strong the conviction with which the thought is held. Their power only becomes effective when they are taken up into some refined human personality. The ripeness, then, that our development must aim at is one which makes us simpler, more truthful, purer, more peace-loving, meeker, kinder, more sympathetic. That is the only way in which we are to sober down with age. That is the process in which the soft iron of youthful idealism hardens into the steel of a full-grown idealism which can never be lost. The most valuable knowledge we can have is how to deal with disappointments. All acts and facts are a product of spiritual power, the successful ones of power which is strong enough; the unsuccessful ones of power which is too weak. Does my behaviour in respect of love effect nothing? That is because there is not enough love in me. Am I powerless against the untruthfulness and the lies which have their being all around me? The reason is that I myself am not truthful enough. Have I to watch dislike and illwill carrying on their sad game? That means that I myself have not yet completely laid aside small-mindedness and envy. Is my love of peace misunderstood and scorned? That means that I am not yet sufficiently peace-loving. The great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up. That is possible for him who never argues and strives with men and facts, but in all experience retires upon himself, and looks for the ultimate cause of things in himself. No one who is always striving to refine his character can ever be robbed of his idealism, for he experiences in himself the power of the ideas of the good and the true. When he sees far too little of the external results at which he is aiming, he knows nevertheless that he is producing as much as his character allows; it is only that success has not yet begun, or that it is as yet hidden from him. Where there is power, there some result or other is produced. No ray of sunlight is ever lost, but the green which it wakes into existence needs time to sprout, and it is not always granted to the sower to live to see the harvest. All work that is worth anything is done in faith. The knowledge of life, therefore, which we grown-ups have to pass on to the younger generation will not be expressed thus: "Reality will soon give way before your ideals," but "Grow into your ideals, so that life can never rob you of them." If all of us could become what we were at fourteen, what a different place the world would be! As one who tries to remain youthful in his thinking and feeling, I have struggled against facts and experience on behalf of belief in the good and the true. At the present time when violence, clothed in life, dominates the world more cruelly than it ever has before, I still remain convinced that truth, love, peaceableness, meekness, and kindness are the violence which can master all other violence. The world will be theirs as soon as ever a sufficient number of men with purity of heart, with strength, and with perseverance think and live out the thoughts of love and truth, of meekness and peaceableness. All ordinary violence produces its own limitations, for it calls forth an answering violence which sooner or later becomes its equal or its superior. But kindness works simply and perseveringly; it produces no strained relations which prejudice its working; strained relations which already exist it relaxes. Mistrust and misunderstanding it puts to flight, and it strengthens itself by call- ing forth answering kindness. Hence it is the furthest reaching and the most effective of all forces. All the kindness which a man puts out into the world works on the heart and the thoughts of mankind, but we are so foolishly indifferent that we are never in earnest in the matter of kindness. We want to topple a great load over, and yet will not avail ourselves of a lever which would multiply our power a hundred-f old. There is an unmeasured depth of truth in that strange saying of Jesus: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (St. Matt v, 5).
You will not take action if we don’t believe something is possible for us. For example, you wouldn’t step of the roof of a 15 story buidling unless you believed you could fly.In every arena of life from personal relationships to how we make a living we are controled by what we believe in possible.There are many ways to expand your own possiblity. This section outlines numerous ideas, inspirations and resources to expand your belief about what is possible for you.
You will not take action if we don’t believe something is possible for us. For example, you wouldn’t step of the roof of a 15 story buidling unless you believed you could fly.In every arena of life from personal relationships to how we make a living we are controled by what we believe in possible.There are many ways to expand your own possiblity. This section outlines numerous ideas, inspirations and resources to expand your belief about what is possible for you.
Advances in communication technology have opened up many new pathways to make a living.The concept of a ‘job’ was created to fill a need during the Industrial Area.In today’s world you can find a method that works for you and create as much freedom as you want.This section of this website outlines different opportunities you can examine to find one that works best for you.
Advances in communication technology have opened up many new pathways to make a living.The concept of a ‘job’ was created to fill a need during the Industrial Area.In today’s world you can find a method that works for you and create as much freedom as you want.This section of this website outlines different opportunities you can examine to find one that works best for you.
I’ve tried to belong to many different religions and transformational groups. It always worked out that I could not align myself with their expectations of me.Something inside me felt it was a lie. Who am I to pretend that I am not created as a unique and powerful individual?Who am I to believe that I don’t know how to dance my own dance?
I’ve tried to belong to many different religions and transformational groups. It always worked out that I could not align myself with their expectations of me.Something inside me felt it was a lie. Who am I to pretend that I am not created as a unique and powerful individual?Who am I to believe that I don’t know how to dance my own dance?